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About Us

See Our Gifts

Founded in 1990, Women of Color Resource Center (WCRC) increases the effective leadership of women of color in working for social justice; educates and mobilizes low-income women of color to become effective change agents; improves the lives of women of color by impacting public policy; brings women-of-color issues central to the women’s rights and social justice agendas; and brings the lens of social justice feminism to critical contemporary issues.


Women of Color Resource Center promotes the political, economic, social and cultural wellbeing of women and girls of color in the United States. WCRC is committed to organizing and educating women of color across lines of race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, class, sexual orientation, physcial ability and age.


WCRC programs contribute to a broad, vibrant and effective social justice movement in the U.S. WCRC program areas include: Peace & Solidarity, Economic Justice & Human Rights, Research & Social Analysis, and Popular Education and Leadership Development.

Current projects include the Technological Empowerment and Media Project of Oakland (TEMPO) which gives women of color a voice in mainstream media. TEMPO trains low-income women of color in radio production skills and produces numerous radio documentaries on issues that affect them most.

Runway Peace Project organizes anti-war fashion shows across the country, using fashion as a lens to understand our culture of militarism. WCRC produced a documentary, "Fashion Resistance to Militarism," that challenges viewers to consider the impact of militarism in popular culture.

WCRC also works on research and advocacy issues related to economic justice and the rights of low-income women. WCRC values ongoing strategic relationships with women’s human rights organizations worldwide.


Through Runway Peace Project and Peace GAMES, WCRC educates thousands of individuals each year on issues of women and peace. TEMPO’s audio documentaries bring the perspective of low-income women to national and international audiences. TEMPO participants gain critical skills in media activism and civic participation. WCRC publications are utilized on campuses nationwide, introducing social justice feminism to a new generation. WCRC builds transnational alliances that strengthen human rights strategies and women’s global leadership. WCRC’s annual Sisters of Fire Awards creates a broad community that honors and celebrates the achievements and contributions of women of color leaders.


United States


1611 Telegraph Avenue
Suite 303
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 444-2700
EIN: 94-3125696

Educate with Style

One Peace Project kit

Your donation will give one Runway Peace Project kit to a community or campus library. Runway Peace Project is a popular education tool that educates on militarism and helps community groups organize anti-war fashion shows. The kit includes the documentary, “Fashion Resistance to Militarism," which challenges viewers to consider the prevalence of militarism in popular culture, a fact sheet titled, “The 411: What Every Girl...


Recruit A Youth

PeaceGAMES workshop

Your donation will sponsor the participation of a young person in one PeaceGAMES (Gender and Militarism Education Strategies) curriculum workshop. PeaceGAMES is a popular education curriculum on militarism and gender. In one workshop, he/she will learn how US militarism impacts our lives and popular culture; take critical look at military advertising; and hear stories of women of color veterans who are speaking out against the...


Train Women

Radio workshop

Your donation will allow a mentor in the radio production/engineering field to conduct a training workshop for low-income women of color. The workshop will give low-income women the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with audio engineering equipment such as microphones, mini-disc players, equalizers and the m-box. Your donation will allow low-income women to build skills necessary to produce and create new audio content for progressive...


Give Women A Voice

Radio training

Your donation will support a low-income woman of color through 4 sessions of the TEMPO training and leadership program. In 4 sessions, she can receive technical training with recording devices, learn how to pitch a story, host and narrate, and work hands-on in the studio with digital recording equipment. Your donation will allow low-income women to build skills necessary to produce and create new audio...
