Recruit A Youth
PeaceGAMES workshop
War and state violence destroy women's lives worldwide. Policies that aggravate military conflicts have devastating consequences for women and their families. Women of color are negatively impacted by militarism as armed services personnel or as family members of servicemen and women. Militarism affects women in communities targeted by the war on terrorism and women who rely on programs threatened by inflated military budgets. Women's personal security is undermined by a culture of aggression and violence
The Gift
Your donation will sponsor the participation of a young person in one PeaceGAMES (Gender and Militarism Education Strategies) curriculum workshop. PeaceGAMES is a popular education curriculum on militarism and gender. In one workshop, he/she will learn how US militarism impacts our lives and popular culture; take critical look at military advertising; and hear stories of women of color veterans who are speaking out against the war. These workshops will offer participants a chance to discuss and understand our society's increasing militarism, and offer ways to resist the war machine