Train Women
Radio workshop
The voices and perspectives of women are profoundly under-represented in the media. Women of color and low-income women are even more invisible. Consequently, public debate and public policy are shaped by a narrow range of views, to the detriment of all. The experiences, outlook and aspirations of low-income women of color can only enrich the public discourse and policy making.
The Gift
Your donation will allow a mentor in the radio production/engineering field to conduct a training workshop for low-income women of color. The workshop will give low-income women the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with audio engineering equipment such as microphones, mini-disc players, equalizers and the m-box. Your donation will allow low-income women to build skills necessary to produce and create new audio content for progressive and mainstream media - radio and web - focusing on critical economic justice issues that are seldom addressed. They will also develop broad leadership skills so that they may become leaders, spokeswomen and advocates on the public policies that most impact them.