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A Gift Card

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Religious Charities


Give a Gift that Matters

More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.

Request Meaningful Gifts

Let friends and loved ones know that you would welcome a donation in your name .to make a difference, instead of yet more "stuff." It just takes a minute to create a Wish List or Registry.

Protect Coasts

One water test

Our trained volunteers conduct water testings throughout all coastal states of the US. The materials to conduct these tests cost $5. Within their local Surfrider Foundation chapters they can use the knowledge and fight the sources of pollution, to benefit the health of our oceans, waves and beaches!


Give Farmers A Voice

Travel to a meeting

Your donation will pay travel costs for farmers to join in the discussion of the future of our food system, side-by-side with representatives from large national and multi-national food companies (wholesalers, retailers), NGO's and government representatives.


Green-Collar Jobs

A day of training

By supporting our Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training program (B.E.S.T.), you shine a light towards a pathway out of poverty and into a cleaner, more egalitarian world. The 10-week course empowers formerly unemployed people to move their lives and our environment forward in a positive way that ripples across families, communities, and society.


Fund Climate Research

Climate change solutions

Gifts will be dedicated to the costs of researching solutions. The Climate Group provides case studies and targeted research for corporate and government leaders wishing to tackle climate change. Forthcoming reports include the third edition of Carbon Down Profits Up, which documents the strategies of corporations, governments, and municipalities that have successfully reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and Tracking The Low Carbon Economy, a forthcoming report...


Spread the Message

One climate scholarship

The Climate Academy is a unique effort to educate the business community in an intensive set of workshops through a partnership facilitated by The Climate Group at Duke and Cambridge Universities. Science, policy and energy experts walk business leaders through the four day workshops, providing each business leader the knowledge and best-practice examples that can be utilised to address climate change. This specific gift is...


Adopt An Intern

One climate intern

When you Adopt An Intern, you provide a scholarship to support one intern for The Climate Group. This support is invaluable to The Climate Group, providing the staffing needed to support research, administration, website support and more day to day activities. Internships at The Climate Group involve hands-on experience in the non-profit world, allowing students to get involved in tackling climate change and providing insight...


Empower Activists

One research report

With your donation, The Environmental Law Institute will mail a research report to local partners to assist them in overcoming obstacles and solving environmental problems in their communities


Spread the Word

One research report

A $25 gift covers the cost of sending an electronic copy of an ELI research report, spreading knowledge to environmental citizens around the world.


Connect Globally

One teleconference

With your donation, The Environmental Law Institute can organize a global teleconference among ELI staff and program partners to discuss solutions to pressing environmental concerns.


Train the Pros

Environmental seminar

With your donation, The Environmental Law Institute can host an educational seminar addressing an environmental topic of interest to attorneys and other professionals in the environmental field.


Help a Hummingbird

Protect Bird Habitat

Delight someone special with this gift of nature that can help create safety and security for these little hummingbirds, and the thousands of other species, all along its migratory path.


Bigger is Better!

Save Northern Jaguar

Since 1990 The Nature Conservancy has been building partnerships and alliances with ranchers, landowners and conservationists to protect the over 10 million-acre range of the northern jaguar. Help save this animal from extinction and by protecting the habitat of the northern jaguar today.


Plant 100 Trees

Plant Trees in Brazil

As part of this landmark conservation initiative, we’re working to restore Brazil’s Atlantic Forest – one of the world’s biggest and most endangered tropical forests – by planting 1 billion native trees over the next seven years. When you plant a tree for your friends and family they will feel good knowing we can all breathe a little easier.


Coral Reef Adoption

Rescue the Reef

Your loved one will be proud to know that their gift is ensuring some of the most extraordinarily diverse, yet highly threatened places, will be protected for years and years to come.


Adopt an Acre

Preserve Critical Land

Mighty lions … graceful sea turtles … magnificent jaguars … poison-dart frogs … red-cockaded woodpeckers … gopher tortoises … a dizzying array of plants and wildlife … when you Adopt an Acre, you are helping to protect the lands and waters these wondrous creatures need to survive – including us!


Plant a Tree

Just $1 Plants a Tree

Tropical forests are the lungs of the Earth, storing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in a never-ending cycle of life. The Atlantic Forest -- one of the biggest tropical forests in the world -- helps regulate the atmosphere and stabilize global climate. Plant a tree in this critical landscape for only one dollar.


Adopt A Land Cruiser

Expedition for 8

Research teams at the SFS Center for Wildlife Management Studies must travel to the heart of the bush and into national parks throughout Kenya to conduct game counts, meet with Maasai leaders, interview park rangers, conduct elephant research and assess the impact of tourism, among many other field-based activities. The nature of these roads requires the use of four wheel drive vehicles, in our case,...


Promote Science

One book or journal

Your gift will fund the purchase of one book or one issue of a scientific journal for a library. This might be a field guide to Australian birds or African mammals, or an issue of a journal like Conservation Biology. SFS student and faculty researchers will use these library resources on a daily basis as they work to help local communities solve some of their...


Give A Lecture

One hour of expertise

The SFS model of environmental education is interdisciplinary and experiential. Our guest experts deliver field lectures that provide the students with a well-rounded picture of the concepts and topics at hand. With a mangrove, the Caribbean Sea, or an African savannah as their classroom, SFS students are able to grasp these concepts and see firsthand the details of the lecture within its environmental or socio-economic...


Map Migrations

One GPS unit

With your gift, The School for Field Studies will be able to purchase a GPS unit that will provide our research teams with the tools they need to conduct relevant field research. GPS will help students and faculty at the Center for Wildlife Management Studies keep track of data such as the permanent structures in a group ranch in Kenya to monitor wildlife migration routes...
