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A Gift Card

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Give a Gift that Matters

More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.

Request Meaningful Gifts

Let friends and loved ones know that you would welcome a donation in your name .to make a difference, instead of yet more "stuff." It just takes a minute to create a Wish List or Registry.

Adopt A Sea Otter

Prevent oil drilling

Your gift will help Defenders of Wildlife work to educate people about the need to protect sea otters, as well as help local communities and the fishing industry live in harmony with these adorable little animals. You will also enable us to continue our efforts to keep Big Oil companies from evicting sea otters from the only area they have left. Your gift to Adopt...


Save A Sea Turtle

Beach conservation

Your donation will help us work with our conservation partners to protect coastal beaches used by sea turtles as nesting sanctuaries, educate coastal home and hotel owners on how bright lights interrupt turtle nesting, as well as work to prevent international fishing conglomerates from dismantling laws that protect sea turtles from harmful fishing practices. Your gift will help Defenders save sea turtles and other imperiled...


Adopt A Snowy Owl

Save the Arctic Refuge

We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of snowy owls and other wildlife over to Big Oil, which will only result in a savings of a penny at the gas pump…and that’s in 20 years! Your gift to Adopt A Snowy Owl will help Defenders save snowy owls and other imperiled wildlife.


Adopt A Jaguar

Conservation project

Defenders of Wildlife is striving to protect the northernmost jaguar population in Sonora, Mexico. We are working to secure migratory routes from northern Mexico to the southwest U.S. and to protect suitable habitat in Arizona and New Mexico. We are building support among local ranchers and property owners to pave the way for a harmonious sharing of the land with jaguars. Just as important, we...


Adopt A Tiger

Stop illegal poaching

Your gift to Adopt A Tiger today will help to battle the many threats -- including illegal logging and poaching -- to tigers and other endangered wildlife around the world.


Clear the Air

One stove for a family

A fuel efficient cook stove that is proven to reduce firewood and charcoal use by 40%, increase fuel-related savings, and also reduce indoor air pollution dramatically improving the respiratory health of the women using them and their families. These stoves have a documented record of performance, saving a family a minimum of $35 annually in fuel costs, reducing charcoal consumption by 0.64 kg of charcoal...


Sponsor a student

Send him/her to SC3

This gift will sponsor a young environmental activist of modest means to attend an unforgettable week-long training at the nation's premier environmental training facility. It will provide them the skills, knowledge, and tools necessary to become global leaders in their own communities. The cost to underwrite a student is $500 for the 5-day program including meals and lodging at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service...



Sea Hare Care

Make an important contribution and a special connection with the animals at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium by joining the Aquadoption program. Your Aquadoption will help pay for the feeding and care of an animal on exhibit at the Aquarium, as well as make a statement of commitment to keeping the Santa Monica Bay and its animals healthy and safe.


Adopt A Beach

Educational Program

Make your contribution to the “Adopt A Beach” program to help children become “Adopters” through their commitment to clean the beach of their choice in L.A. County, three times a year. Your contribution allows children from under-served communities to not only see the beach, often as first time visitors, but also to learn that environmental stewardship starts at home in their own neighborhoods. Once a...


Plant a Memory Tree

In memory tree planted

This gift will help restore the over 70% of the tree canopy that was destroyed due to Hurricane Katrina. It will help provide hope to the residents of New Orleans because planting trees gives body and life to ones dreams of a better future. You can honor someone important by having a tree planted in New Orleans in their memory.


Backyard Adventure

Youth education

Your gift will provide one afternoon of Backyard Adventures! programming for up to 12 youth at a local school in Lowell, MA. Backyard Adventures provides experiential learning opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Lowell to help them gain self-esteem, leadership skills, and exposure to environmental career opportunities. Backyard Adventures provides ‘hands-on’ lessons in the out-of-doors to learn about the natural environment by exploring local habitats, conducting...


Restore 1/2 Acre

Mangrove Restoration

Help MAP Conserve and/or Restore One-half Acre of Mangrove Forest Today there is a growing urgency to recognize the importance of conserving and restoring protective mangrove greenbelts to lessen the dangers from future natural catastrophes, because as sea level rises, so will the frequency and intensity of hurricanes and cyclones. Mangroves can buffer against the fury of such destructive storms, protecting those settlements located behind...


Protect Wildlife

15 acres of land

How you can help: Right now we have a special opportunity to purchase grazing privileges on four different allotments next to Yellowstone. It is vital that we are fully prepared to act with the proper funds on hand, the moment an agreement is reached. The great news…it only costs $2 to adopt one wildlife acre. So for $30 you can protect wildlife on 15 full...


Adopt A Lynx

Wildlife protection

Please help us STOP THIS ATTACK on America’s magnificent wildlife! \ Your $30 symbolic lynx adoption will help NWF: Fight to prevent the Endangered Species Act from being gutted. Conserve the few remaining big cat habitats in the U.S. Publicize the plight of the lynx and other imperiled wildlife. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for the Canada lynx and other imperiled wildlife teetering...


Monitor Beaches

Pollution alerts

Your gift will help NRDC alert U.S. residents to pollution levels at area beaches, so that beachgoers can make safe choices about where to swim.


Protect Land

Permanent protection

Your donation will assist NRDC in securing permanent protection for millions of acres of parks and wildlands from pollution, oil drilling and mining and other development.


Curb Climate Change

Energy efficiency

Your donation will help NRDC fight global warming and promote energy efficiency to support a more secure and independent energy future for the United States.


Improve Air Quality

Stop pollution

Your donation will support NRDC's effort to improve the nation's air quality by working at every level of government and in the courts to hold power companies, manufacturers and state and local authorities to strict pollution standards.


Prevent Contaminants

Clean drinking water

Your donation will help NRDC safeguard the country’s drinking water by pushing for citizens' right to know about contaminants in their water and by conducting scientific research and public education.


Plant Delphinium

1 delphinium plant

Delphinium provides vibrant color in parks and gardens, attracting bumblebees and butterflies, which pollinate other plants.
