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Building Opportunities For Self-Sufficiency

Family Wellness

Home health support

This gift will provide help with small items that make a big impact on health. Assistance provided may include paying for prescriptions or over-the-counter medications (cold/flu, asthma, nutrition supplements, pain relievers) that homeless and very poor people cannot afford. It may also include home exercise items (exercise tubs or fitness balls), air cleaners/purifiers, humidifiers, or other household items that help people maintain safe and healthy...


Affordable Transit

Help for Poor Seniors

This gift will provide transportation assistance to homeless seniors so they can get around in the community and meet daily health and household needs, connect with family and friends, and maintain a high quality of life. Assistance provided may include discount senior bus passes, train, commuter rail or BART fare, or taxi vouchers. This gift will help very low income seniors maintain a high level...


Help Homeless Kids

Support for education

This gift will provide backpacks, books, folders and pencils, calculators, and other supplies that all kids need to complete homework, keep up with their peers, and feel 'normal' and supported in the classroom and at home. Assistance provided to kids with this gift include the supplies and materials described here, as well as additional learning support that may be needed to address the kids' learning...


Prepare For Work

Job readiness support

This gift will provide support to help one homeless person build the skills needed to find living wage work. Assistance will be given as needed by the individual, and may include tuition for community college courses, enrollment in special training, study materials, transportation, or work materials or clothing. It may also include health or mental health services needed to help a disabled individual participate in...


End Homelessness

Moving into a new home

This gift will provide move-in assistance to help a homeless family or individual who has located affordable housing and is ready to move in, but does not have savings for move in costs. Move in assistance may include first or last month's rent, security deposit, mover expenses, furniture and household items, linens and bedding, games and toys for kids, or food and kitchen items to...
