Give Children Hope
Radio & TV programs
Children are devastated by war in their countries. They are targeted by military groups, left homeless, and miss out on school and jobs. Many small children are forced to become soldiers or servants. About 300,000 children are serving as soldiers in active conflicts. Many more are members of militias or gangs. Some youth respond by creating organizations that promote peace, or protect children’s rights. They need possibilities, to help them protect themselves and promote peace.
The Gift
Your gift will support the development of radio and TV programs for children and youth in war areas of West Africa, Asia, the Balkans, and Indonesia. What could be more inspiring to a child in the midst of an armed conflict than to hear another child talking about alternatives to violence? Search for Common Ground uses radio and television to help kids find positive ways to deal with deadly conflict, with young people as producers and actors. They give practical advice to other kids on how to deal with conflict, giving hope and realistic solutions. Your gift will help pay for 2 hours of a professional producer from Hollywood to work with young people to develop new radio and TV programs in the neediest places around the world.