Equip A Tutor
Literacy kits
1 in 3 children enters America’s schools without the skills needed to succeed. This problem is all the more prevalent in low-income communities, which is not surprising when you realize that children from these neighborhoods receive 25 hours of one-to-one reading prior to kindergarten, versus their mid-income peers who benefit from an average of 1,700 hours. Without much needed resources, these children will be left to fall further and further behind as school progresses.
The Gift
Trained on the basics of child development, including techniques for reading with children, and conflict resolution, Jumpstart volunteers work together in teams to implement a curriculum with young children twice a week for the entire school year. Each Jumpstart Corps member is paired one-to-one with an at-risk preschooler to ensure individualized attention. As part of their lessons with children each week, teams utilize a host of tools to support learning: a CD of popular children’s songs, a large-print book of poetry and word games, a set of picture vocabulary cards that help children connect words with images, and a selection of high-quality books for children to choose from as they explore one of the curriculum themes such as “Family" or “Wind and Water." Your gift will provide supplies to support the learning of 10 children as they receive one-to-one support from their partner Corps member.