Interpret Lectures
One week salary
Deaf students need Deaf teachers who teach through sign language. To become teachers, Deaf adults must go to teacher training college. Sign language interpreters must be in the college classroom so Deaf adults can understand the professors. Education is a basic human right that should be available to everyone regardless of language used. Sign language interpreters make education available to Deaf students, since they translate the spoken word into sign language.
The Gift
Your gift of only $25 will pay the weekly salary of a sign language interpreter in a teacher training college. The interpreter will sign for a small group of Deaf teacher trainees, making it possible for them to understand their professor. Deaf students struggle to learn when they don’t have interpreters. They try to understand their teachers through lip reading, reading the board, and studying written materials - if there are any. It’s an uphill battle. Because of you, Deaf teacher trainees will be able to learn, and they’ll be able to become successful professionals and role models for the entire Deaf community. Being a sign language interpreter is slowly becoming a respected profession in developing countries. Your donation will help build a base for this career, which will bring the Deaf community closer to equal access to education, employment and public services.