Feed A Family
One humanitarian kit
There are more than three million people in Colombia who have been displaced from their homes due to ongoing internal armed conflict in the countryside. These families, who have little to begin with, are often forced to flee suddenly, leaving most of their possessions behind. They come to new cities, often living in anonymity. With no money or assets, thousands of families every month struggle to start anew from scratch.
The Gift
Your gift of a humanitarian kit will allow CHF to provide one family with the basic essentials they need to survive in the first 90 days of their displacement. CHF’s integrated humanitarian assistance program gives families the goods and services they so desperately need in these difficult times. The humanitarian kits contain dry food items, health and hygiene products, baby goods, and cooking utensils, among other items, and are given in conjunction with psychosocial support, job placement and skills training, and youth engagement activities to help future generations build peaceful communities. Your gift of one kit can be the difference between life and death for a family of six. The kits are distributed by CHF International, who has assisted more than 500,000 internally displaced and vulnerable people over the last five years.