Promote Clean Air
One anti-idling sign
EPA estimates that vehicle pollution accounts for half of all cancers attributed to outdoor sources of air toxins. Vehicle emissions also cause more than half of smog-producing nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions – which form dangerous ground level ozone. Many people to do not realize how harmful it is to needlessly idle their vehicles. Anti-idling ordinances are on the books in most states and in many communities, but educating the public has been a slow process.
The Gift
Fund an 18 x 24 permanent metal, reflective sign to help a community with its campaign to remind people to shut off their engines while they are waiting at the curb. Public education can help preserve public health, air and water quality while reducing the threat of global warming. Research has shown that even in low temperatures, idling a vehicle is an unnecessary waste of fuel and source of pollution. Your gift will serve as a permanent reminder to people at schools, community centers, libraries, shopping areas, and sporting events that turning off the engine saves fuel, money, lives and natural resources.