Light A Green Tree
Holiday carbon credits
A community's holiday lights use a lot of energy – and cause global warming pollution. The build-up of human-created greenhouse gases is negatively affecting our lives and the health of ecosystems on which we and future generations depend. Air pollution directly impacts the quality of life and economic vitality of a community, producing acute and chronic health problems for local residents. Continued reliance on fossil fuels also makes us vulnerable in a volatile world.
The Gift
Through Clean Air-Cool Planet's "Green Trees" program, communities can “green up" the energy they use to light their holiday trees. Your gift of $25 makes it possible for a community to offset the carbon pollution from the town's holiday lighting by purchase of renewable energy certificates from NativeEnergy, investing in domestic energy from wind and small-farm methane generated electricity, reducing air pollution, greenhouse gases and our dependence on foreign oil. By investing in new renewable sources, you help reduce carbon pollution for years to come. By purchasing clean, renewable energy and offsetting greenhouse gases through CA-CP’s Green Trees program, you can help make holiday lighting an opportunity to demonstrate how people can cut pollution, reduce carbon emissions, promote energy security – and enjoy and join in the holiday spirit at the same time.