Sponsor A Classroom
Drawing material
Millions of primary school children around the world do not have access to art classes in their educational programs or curriculums overall. The main reason for this is the lack of funds for art supplies. All children really need is a constructive and creative way to express themselves and art is a proven therapeutic release, especially for children living in conflict zones.
The Gift
A donation of 17 USD will provide drawing material to a class of 40 children for one trimester. With the tools, schools can mobilize to make art classes happen. Through your donation, Art in All of Us ensures art materials are supplied to classrooms in the most disadvantaged countries. With your financial support to purchase drawing materials, AiA children will have fun and continue learning long after the school bell rings. A periodic donation of 17 USD towards drawing materials will ensure the continued enrichment of our future generations. More at www.artinallofus.org