Promote Sanitation
Latrines for 6000
Imagine that you had nowhere safe and clean to go to the toilet. In many cultures you would have to wait until it was dark before you could relieve yourself. This would expose you to the danger of sexual harassment, assault and animal attacks, never mind discomfort, loss of dignity and sometimes illness. This is the daily reality of life for many in developing countries.
The Gift
Your gift will provide 6 communities with access to the tools and skills necessary to build sanitary latrines in safe and secure locations. Not only will your gift result in the provision of somwhere safe and clean for over 6000 people to go to the toilet, but the addition of these facilities empowers communities to be their own catalyast in the reduction of potential dangers to women of sexual harassment, assault and animal attacks, while ensuring the comfort, sense of dignity, and well-being of all members of the community.