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About Us

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WaterAid believes that water, sanitation, and hygiene are the essential foundations to all other forms of development and are vital for poverty reduction. They not only improve health and save time and energy, but also improve people's income, education, and social and cultural well-being. These initiatives also act as a catalyst for communities to carry out further development work themselves, enabling them to take the next steps towards better futures.


WaterAid's mission is to be the leading independent organization working with the world's poorest communities to deliver--and to champion--safe water, sanitation, and hygiene education working towards our vision of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation.


WaterAid works in four ways:

Implement: We catalyze and deliver practical solutions – safe water, sanitation, and hygiene education – delivering basic human rights and tangibly impacting people’s lives.

Share: We serve as a resource sharing viable practices and models based on our learning from communities themselves.

Partner: We foster and promote partnerships across all of our work: at local levels to support sustainable institutions and international levels to catalyze commitment to water and sanitation.

Advocate: We identify, advocate, and advance policy solutions which will deliver maximum benefits to communities in the provision of safe water and sanitation.

WaterAid abides by the principles of integrating water, sanitation and hygiene education into all projects to achieve the greatest benefit for a community; empowering local communities with practical and organizational skills needed to build and maintain their own water and sanitation facilities; focusing on the poorest and most vunerable, particularly women and children; evaluating, Improving, and Sharing knowledge to ensure the highest standards in project design and implementation; and concentrating on sustainable projects using appropriate, simple technology which communities can maintain and repair.


Since establishment in London in 1981, WaterAid has provided water and sanitation to over 9.5 million people. This year alone, WaterAid supports 300 partner organizations in 17 countries in Africa and Asia to reach 760,000 people with safe water and over one million people to improved sanitation.
However, the potential impact of our projects is far greater than these numbers alone. By working in partnership with local communities to deliver services, we ensure the continuation and sustainability long after our initial intervention –impacting the potential health, education and livelihoods of the communities where we work.


Patricia Dandonoli


Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Zambia


New York


232 Madison Avenue
Suite 1202
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 683-0430
EIN: 30-0181674

A Gift Card

Basic Needs


Promote Hygiene

Community education

Hygiene education/promotion encourages people to replace their unsafe hygiene practices with simple, safe alternatives. WaterAid and its partners use many ways to promote good hygiene practices and all are based upon the individual community's existing knowledge, beliefs and practices. Our approach to hygiene promotion recognizes that people do not change their behavior simply because they are told about health benefits. People are just as strongly...
