About Us
See Our GiftsOverview
The Climate Group is an international charity that works with corporate and government leaders on climate change. We demonstrate the economic benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conduct research into solutions. Our members include leading companies such as BP, HSBC, and Virgin, as well as several U.S. states and other regional governments. We support leaders' actions and facilitate new partnerships and sector-based working groups dedicated to reducing dangerous emissions as quickly as possible.
To put the world on track for a low carbon economy by rapidly expanding the uptake of best practice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Core membership program for corporations and governments. Our members include AIG, BP, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase, Starbucks, Virgin, Visy Pratt; five US states, including New York and California; Australian and Canadian states and provinces. Membership brings many benefits, including closed-door briefings and peer-to-peer consultations.
Sector-specific leadership groups in finance, global brands, insurance; information technology and construction groups to be launched soon.
Corporate Climate Alliance, comprising executives of market-leading corporations such as BP, BSkyB, Goldman Sachs, PG&E, SwissRe America, Virgin Group.
Reports and case studies on economic benefits of reducing emissions.
Support for state policy and effective trading mechanisms through briefings, media outreach, and events for leaders.
Development of overarching global standard for voluntary offset market; carbon neutral standard also under development.
Development of consumer-facing awareness campaigns in conjunction with several global companies.
High-profile events (Low Carbon Leader Awards ceremony, Climate and Energy Roundtables, private business leader briefings).
The Climate Academy - executive education on climate change, with Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and Cambridge University's Cambridge Programme on Industry.
Our impact is visible in the actions of the corporations and governments with whom we work: we guided HSBC in becoming carbon neutral ahead of schedule; we helped launch London's pioneering Climate Change Agency; we had input into California's Climate Action Plan; we won business support for Governor Schwarzenegger's climate protection policies, including the AB 32 legislation, which mandates significant reductions; we consulted closely with Virgin's executives, resulting in Virgin's emissions reduction plan for the aviation industry; we launched and support a global programme for cities - now the Large Cities Climate Leadership Group under the Clinton Climate Initiative.
United States, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, China, India
444 Park Avenue South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 545-5421
EIN: 43-2073566
A Gift Card
Adopt An Intern
One climate intern
When you Adopt An Intern, you provide a scholarship to support one intern for The Climate Group. This support is invaluable to The Climate Group, providing the staffing needed to support research, administration, website support and more day to day activities. Internships at The Climate Group involve hands-on experience in the non-profit world, allowing students to get involved in tackling climate change and providing insight...
$20000 $200.00
Spread the Message
One climate scholarship
The Climate Academy is a unique effort to educate the business community in an intensive set of workshops through a partnership facilitated by The Climate Group at Duke and Cambridge Universities. Science, policy and energy experts walk business leaders through the four day workshops, providing each business leader the knowledge and best-practice examples that can be utilised to address climate change. This specific gift is...
$50000 $500.00
Fund Climate Research
Climate change solutions
Gifts will be dedicated to the costs of researching solutions. The Climate Group provides case studies and targeted research for corporate and government leaders wishing to tackle climate change. Forthcoming reports include the third edition of Carbon Down Profits Up, which documents the strategies of corporations, governments, and municipalities that have successfully reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and Tracking The Low Carbon Economy, a forthcoming report...
$25000 $250.00