About Us
See Our GiftsOverview
Founded in 1933, Strang Cancer Prevention Center is the oldest cancer prevention institute in continuous operation in the US. Strang is associated with two important tests for early cancer detection—the Pap test for cervical cancer and sigmoidoscopy for the prevention of colon cancer. As part of its work as a non-profit diagnostic and research center, Strang has developed research programs designed to prevent cancer and to detect, diagnose, and cure it in its early stages.
To carry out research to prevent cancer and promote cure through early detection. Strang emphasizes the areas of colon, breast, prostate and lung cancer. Strang also focuses on public education of the importance of early detection and healthy lifestyle behaviors.
Strang’s research is aimed toward preventing cancer so that surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation will not be needed as treatments. Working to discover how natural products present in everyone’s body are involved in the initiation of cancer, our research programs use the tools of molecular biology, epidemiology, and basic biochemistry to explore cancer’s beginnings and its progression. We seek answers to why cancer cells reproduce at an accelerated rate, compared to normal cells. Strang’s research looks at how medication can prevent the onset and recurrence of cancer and what role do hormones and genes play in the onset and progression of breast cancer. Strang’s Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, which is a collaborative effort with other institutions to advance the study of nutrition in relation to cancer prevention and control. In addition to laboratory research, Strang has developed a Child Health Initiative, Healthy Children Healthy Futures with a goal to reduce the high incidence of obesity among urban school children and their families. The program gives children the opportunity to create healthy eating and physical activity media messages. Strang also produces educational newsletters that promote awareness of the latest research and early detection techniques for a variety of different cancers.
Work at Strang takes a broad approach to the discovery of how and why cancer occurs. Cancers of the breast, prostate, and colon constitute over 50% of all human cancers. We are studying altered cell growth and damage at the genetic, molecular, cellular, hormonal, and metabolic levels. They are searching for markers that can identify alterations at the earliest stages in the process leading to cancer. As researchers understand the basic mechanisms of the causes of cancer, they can move to find strategies to interrupt the progression of cells from normal, to pre-cancer, to cancer, and prevent the disease.
United States
428 East 72nd Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 794-4900
EIN: 13-1985461
A Gift Card
Distribute Awareness
100 newsletters
Your gift will send educational newsletters to 100 people. Two years ago, Strang developed a newsletter, Prevention that strives to educate the public on the latest in cancer prevention research, screening and healthy living. Each issue focuses on a particular type of cancer and discusses the latest research being conducted in the field and what impact this research will have in the future. It provides...
$8500 $85.00
Research for Answers
300 DNA samples
Your gift will provide analysis of DNA gel samples. Agarose gel electrophoresis is the easiest and commonest way of separating and analyzing DNA. The purpose of the gel might be to look at the DNA, to quantify it or to isolate a particular band. The DNA is visualised in the gel by addition of ethidium bromide. This binds strongly to DNA by intercalating between the...
$10000 $100.00
Teach Kids Health
Kit for one classroom
Your gift will provide one Healthy Children Healthy Futures Tool Kit to teach children in one classroom to become advocates through their schools, families and communities for healthy eating and increased physical activity. The tool kit contains materials necessary for the implementation of the program at a school or community site, including a Facilitator Guide. Facilitators learn how to teach children to produce posters, radio...
$5000 $50.00