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About Us

See Our Gifts

Established in 1993, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance) is a global partnership of nationally-based organizations working to support community action on AIDS.

These national partners help local community groups and other non-governmental organisations to take action on AIDS, and are supported by technical expertise, policy work and fundraising.


To reduce the spread of HIV and meet the challenges of AIDS. We are committed to prevent HIV infection; improve access to treatment, care and support; and lessen the impact of AIDS.


To make a real difference, the Alliance supports integrated responses to HIV/AIDS that combine preventing HIV infection, facilitating access to treatment, care and support, and lessening the impact of AIDS on individuals, families and communities. We emphasise the importance of working with people who are most likely to affect or be affected by the spread of HIV/AIDS. These are often people from marginalised groups who are the most vulnerable and the hardest to reach.


The Alliance currently works in over 25 countries – those threatened by emerging HIV epidemics as well as those already heavily affected.

In 2005 alone, the Alliance reached 31 million people through its programs and information activities. Many of these people were from the poorest and most vulnerable communities.

Since 1994, we have channelled $140 million to more than 40 developing countries in support of 3,000 community projects.


India, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cote D'Ivoire, Ecuador, Madagascar, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, United Republic of, Thailand, Philippines, Uganda, Ukraine, Zambia, Zimbabwe


1111 – 19th St NW

Ste 1120

Washington, DC 20036

Phone: (202) 638-5739

EIN: 04-3755241

A Gift Card


Train Leaders

Workshop for leaders

Your donation will help us to train leaders in issues around HIV/AIDS – for example, in prevention, care and support, stigma and discrimination – and to equip them with the necessary skills to make the best use of their learning. The leaders may be influential individuals within a community, such as religious leaders, or they may be a key representative of a marginalized group such...


Support Outreach

HIV/AIDS worker visit

Your donation will help us to pay for some of the time of an outreach worker spends going into the community. Outreach workers are often people who are themselves HIV positive, and so they are ideally placed to help others in the same situation. They may deal with a whole range of issues around HIV/AIDS. For example, they can advise on how to obtain affordable...


Help Support Groups

HIV support groups

Your donation will help deliver self-help and psychosocial support services for people living with HIV. Being able to come together with others similarly affected, to receive counseling and share experiences, can be an invaluable source of support. When all hope seems to be lost, people with HIV benefit enormously from some encouragement and understanding, and they recover their will to live. They can receive good...


Train Support Staff

Community HIV services

Your donation will help us to train local people to deliver HIV prevention, care and support services within their communities, making available a much-needed resource. When trained, they will work to raise awareness and increase understanding of treatment within communities, which helps to reduce stigma and discrimination around HIV and ARV treatment. They will provide necessary support in starting and remaining on treatment, lifetime adherence...


Maintain Health

Treatment information

Your donation will be used towards the cost of producing accurate information materials for people who have tested HIV positive. They are distributed by the Alliance’s partners, who work closely with groups of people who are living with HIV. The materials will help people to understand that they are not under a death sentence, and what they must do to live well despite their HIV...


Reduce HIV Risk

Distribute 250 condoms

Condoms save lives and they are a vital tool in our efforts to prevent HIV infection. They are also essential to the maintenance of other elements of sexual and reproductive health, such as the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and of sexually transmitted infections. With education, support and consistent supply, people can learn to integrate condom use into their sexual lives, and protect themselves and their...


Prevent HIV

Public education

Your donation will be used towards the cost of producing educational materials for people who are most at risk either of contracting HIV or of passing on the virus. The materials are designed to be culturally appropriate and to address the specific needs and concerns of the intended reader. They are distributed by the Alliance’s partners, who work closely with vulnerable population groups. Newly equipped...


Reduce Transmission

HIV tests for 5 people

Voluntary counseling and testing is an important prevention tool, as well as opening up opportunities for treatment, care and support for people who test HIV positive. People who want to take a test receive information, support and referral through confidential dialogue with a trained counselor both before and after the test. Services can be tailored to meet the needs of specific groups, such as young...
