Train Deaf Teachers
One month of college
Severely Deaf children need Deaf teachers. Deaf school children cannot understand teachers who use only voice. Around 90% of teachers of Deaf children are hearing, often lacking fluency in local sign language and using “talk and chalk" methods. Sign language is the “native hand" of the Deaf. Deaf teachers use visual teaching strategies and understand how Deaf students learn. Teacher Colleges accept Deaf students, but have no funds to support them.
The Gift
Can you imagine paying only $300 annually to attend college or to support a Deaf student to become a teacher? That is roughly the annual cost to attend the well respected Machakos Teachers’ College (MTC) in Kenya. For the majority of Kenyan families whose average income is less than $2 per day, even this is unaffordable. The MTC sees the need for Deaf teachers and readily admits an equal number of men and women Deaf HS graduates to the two- year program. Global Deaf Connection supplies trained interpreters and tutors to ensure Deaf students keep pace with their hearing peers. The government of Kenya has recently accepted to pay these interpreters. Your Gift of $30 will provide everything an academically qualified Deaf student needs for one month of college. This gift of $30 includes tuition, school supplies, blankets and other personal needs.