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A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious Charities


Give a Gift that Matters

More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.

Request Meaningful Gifts

Let friends and loved ones know that you would welcome a donation in your name .to make a difference, instead of yet more "stuff." It just takes a minute to create a Wish List or Registry.

Teach Young Girls

Sesame Street Egypt

Your donation will help support Alam Simsim, the Egyptian version of Sesame Street., helping children learn about health and hygiene, the environment, letters, and numbers in fun and engaging ways. Alam Simsim encourages children--especially young girls--to be proud of who they are, appreciate different ways of life, and respect each other.


Inspire Dreams

15 Brand New Volumes

Your gift will place 15 brand new volumes into the hands of children who need them most.


Improve Habits

Sesame Street Mexico

Your donation will help support Plaza Sésamo, the Mexican version of Sesame Street, and its “Healthy Habits for Life" initiative. The acclaimed Spanish-language television series for preschool children depicts a colorful neighborhood, the Plaza, which is home to a mix of families, children, and Muppets. The series, now in its 10th milestone season, continues to educate and delight children and currently focuses on promoting healthy...


Feed A Child

Feed a Child for Two Months

Your gift will provide food for the family of a malnourished child for two months.


Give Home Libraries

Entire Classroom of Children with Brand New Books

Your gift will directly stock the homes of an entire classroom of children in need with libraries of their very own brand new books.


End Early Marriage

Help 83 Girls

$1,589 helps 83 adolescent and teenage girls resist early marriage by giving them real alternatives and a chance to choose their own path.


Protect a Child

Legal aid for a child

A sustaining gift of $90 a month will provide a full intake screening, thorough needs assessment, brief legal advice, health and social service referrals, and a trained pro bono attorney for one child.


Equip A Classroom

Provide books for kids

Your gift will allow a classroom of children to learn from brand new books.


Educate a Child

One Year of School

A donation of $97 will fund an entire year of school for a Ugandan child in an IDP camp. Education has a positive impact on not only the future earning potential of a child but also helps reduce vulnerability to health problems such as HIV/AIDS, increases awareness of human rights and issues such as family planning and improves confidence and overall well being. BRAC is...


Prevent Isolation

Life-Long Technical Support

Your donation will give a senior life-long technical support from a friendly and knowledgeable Per Scholas Employee.


Comfort a Child

Train School Personnel

Your donation will provide comfort for a grieving child by arming school personnel with the tools to effectively address the student’s needs. Research has confirmed teacher discomfort in discussing grief in the classroom. Most teachers need assistance in successfully dealing with a death in the life of a student, particularly a major loss. “Grief at School: A Manual for School Personnel" is an 83-page guide...


Help Vets Connect

Create an Empowered Community

Building on lessons from service in four wars, Veterans for America galvanizes new war veterans nationwide, creating an empowered community and space to share common experiences. We raise awareness about challenges facing returning veterans and promote common-sense solutions. Our website and community blogs provide an active atmosphere to share experiences among those who understand their challenges. Veterans For America’s website serves as a unique portal...


Treat Refugees

Fund a psychiatric team

Weekly visits by a psychiatric team to a displaced persons camp can help approximately 30 patients per visit. Your gift will help alleviate the mental anguish of some of these desperate people.


Adopt a Polar Bear

Save the Arctic Refuge

We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of polar bears and other wildlife over to Big Oil, which will only result in a savings of a penny at the gas pump…and that’s in 20 years! Your gift to Adopt A Polar Bear will help Defenders save polar bears and other imperiled Arctic wildlife.  


Fund Clean Beaches

Clean Four Local Beaches

With your help, students and staff at each of two School for Field Studies environmental research centers will join with community members four times a year to clean up local beaches. As part of their outreach activities, students at the Center for Marine Resources Studies in the Turks and Caicos Islands will organize beach clean ups at East Bay, Hawklands, and Shark Bay Beaches on...


Start a Fruit Stand

Microfinance a woman's fruit stand

Your gift will provide a loan for one woman to start a fruit stand at her local market, giving her a way to break through poverty, gain self-confidence and expand job opportunities in her community. Microfinance is one of the most powerful solutions to poverty in existence today. It attacks poverty at its roots and allows a poor person to gain a foothold against day-to-day...


Fight Corruption

Full Potential of Developement Aid Achieved

Your gift will help TI-USA ensure that resources reach those who need them the most. We work with donor organizations, including multilateral banks and US foreign aid institutions, to ensure that the full potential of development aid is achieved. TI-USA advises donors on their efforts to stamp out corruption, encourages them to make anti-corruption control programs a top priority, and assists them in mobilizing forces...


Promote Sanitation

Educate 130 Children

This gift will pay for 130 children to receive health and sanitation education classes. We are constructing five community spring water catchment systems and pit latrines for individual households and the local elementary school, and providing health education, community development and technical training. Upon completion, 1,720 people will have access to safe water and latrines. Clean, accessible water will allow women and children time for...


House Kids' Words!

One case of paper

With one case of paper, we’ll be able to print field trip books for 710 kids, or 200 copies of an in-house chapbook —with enough left over to let Veronica print out her essay for class, and allow Osvaldo to have a clean copy of his story about fire trucks for his dad.


Help Students Write

Pens and pencils

For just under ten dollars, you’ll put a bundle of 100 pencils in our pencil cups, every one of them ready to be worked down to a nub in the service of a student’s homework assignment or a creative story. 826 helps students with their writing skills. In an effort to honor the students’ accomplishments, to give them an opportunity to show off their writing...
