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About Us

See Our Gifts

Whatever your background, we trust that Covenant will be a place where you can explore the Christian faith, grow in your discipleship and find the encouragement and equipment necessary to share the gifts God has given you for ministry. The Christian faith is one that is best experienced as it is expressed to others. As you consider where you will serve Christ during your time in Austin, let me urge you to discover for yourself the kinds of programs and opportunities for service that Covenant offers. They are many and varied. We believe that every follower of Jesus can find an opportunity to grow in his or her faith through what we do here.


By God's own grace and power, Covenant Presbyterian Church will be a church of passionate worship, sacrificial service, respectful evangelism, authentic fellowship, and rich discipleship -- a place where seekers are invited and equipped to become mature disciples of Christ in Austin and around the world.


In 1960, the Presbyterian Church U.S. asked the Rev. Carl Eaton, a former missionary to China and recent graduate of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, to meet with a group of northwest Austin residents intending to form a new church. In March 1961, a small fellowship of 96 members, who had been meeting in the Highland Park Elementary School, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church U.S. Under the leadership of the Rev. Eaton, the supporting presence of his wife, Esther, and the work, prayer and diligence of the members, the congregation was soon thriving. After purchasing property on the southwest corner of MoPac and RM2222 (Northland Drive), the first sanctuary building, now known as Eaton Hall, was completed in 1965. In 1970, the Children’s Hall was completed. The new sanctuary building was completed in 1981. The mid-1970s was a time of great growth for Covenant as it approached 1,000 members.


Covenant has 5 weekly worship services and a monthly service of healing. There are very strong children, youth, men and women groups. Covenant has small groups for children, youth, college and adults. Scores of new programs, ministries and missions have been added to Covenant as its membership, served by a dedicated staff, takes seriously and joyfully the call to live for Christ in today's world.


We want people on our campus to experience what it is to be known and cared for. We hope this value extends to visitors and members. As you become comfortable in this community, we would recommend that you find one way to grow in your faith. This may be through participation in a small group, a bible study, a Sunday School class or another opportunity supporting faith growth.

Outreach is the result of spiritual growth. We recommend that you find one way to serve. Christ modeled love through service. You may pack supplies for a mission trip, go to Nicaragua to sing children’s songs, feed homeless kids on the drag, greet people at the church door or deliver Meals on Wheels. We not only desire to sow Christ’s love in our community, we are called to do so.

Covenant leadership supports a goal of Worship Plus Two. This means that we suggest that you worship regularly and find one way of growth and one way of service. Then you are equipped to spend time in your community being salt and light to those who may not know the power of Christ in their daily lives.


Today, the church is approaching 2000 members and completing a new Fellowship and Education building to minister to members. It is our goal to have a positive and loving influence on our home city of Austin, our home region and around the world.


Sr. Pastor Rick Murray


United States, Micronesia, Federated States of, Nicaragua, Senegal, Zambia, Mexico, Cuba




3003 Northland Drive

Office of the Administrator

Austin, TX 78757

Phone: (512) 454-5231

EIN: 74-6029403

A Gift Card


Countries and Regions



Religious Charities

Provide a Home

Gifts to foster kids

For over 100 years, Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services (PCHS) have provided a safe, Christian living environment for children ages birth to 18 who have suffered from many crises. Almost 60 group and foster care homes are located across the state serving more than 200 children who can no longer live at home. Support services such as parenting classes, life skills training, mental health referrals...


Build the Church

Bridges to Cuba

Your gift helps build bridges between Covenant and the Presbyterian Church in Luyano, Havana. Churched and unchurched Cubans better see the face of Christ through Cuban & American Christians at this difficult time in Cuba. Bridges help facilitate much-needed clothes, OTC medicines & supplies to meet our sister church’s basic needs. Bridges benefit Cuban Christians through our friendship, prayers and encouragement. Our recurring presence, 17...


House the Poor

Wood, nails, & paint

Your gift can buy wood, paint and nails for homes built by youth over Spring Break. Over the past 5 years, our youth from Covenant Presbyterian Church have worked with Project Casas to build simple, decent housing for the families of Tijuana.


Feed the Forgotten

75 meals in Nicaragua

Your gift will supply a hot meal of beans, rice and tortillas to 75 children in the homeless feeding center in Nicaragua run by Presbyterian missionary Rev. Matthew Jun. In addition to this nutritious meal, these forgotten children will learn Bible stories and will receive care from the new medical clinic that Rev. Jun is opening.


Help AIDS Orphans

Support an orphanage

Your gift will help support the 10 children living in the 1,300 foot "Covenant Cottage!" For several years, Covenant has been partnering with the Rafiki Foundation to build a Christian orphanage in Zambia. Covenant pledged to build one "Rafiki Cottage" that has now been opened and houses 10 orphans and their house mother, giving these children a hope and a future.


Build A School

Supplies for 5 kids

You gift will provide school supplies for 5 children in Tattaguine, Senegal. World Vision, along with several church partners, is planning to build a secondary school in the region that would give a chance to our supported children to continue their schooling and break the cycle of poverty. This school will serve the 4 villages where Covenant members sponsor 250 children. For more information about...


Care for Homeless

Toiletries for family

Your gift will provide toiletries for a homeless family in Austin being served by Foundation for the Homeless (FFH) for one week. FFH organizes resources from Austin faith communities to serve this vulnerable population. Families with children are provided temporary shelter in churches while receiving help with meals, toiletries, transportation, and child care. Children are taken to school and adults receive case management services including...


Help Working Poor

Back To School Program

Your gift will subsidize the cost of two new outfits, including socks and underwear, and a backpack with the grade appropriate school supplies for one child. Having prepared more than 10,000 children for the first day of school since 2000, Manos de Cristo has set a goal this year of serving 1800 pre-K through 5th graders.


Assist the Elderly

Gas for appointments

Your gift will offset some of the fuel costs that volunteer drivers for Faith in Action Caregiviers incur on behalf of the elderly, taking them to their appointments in the Austin area. Now in its 23nd year, Faith in Action Caregivers (FAIC) uses a team of almost 200 volunteers from 17 different faith communities to help older adults maintain their independence and improve their quality...


Support a new start

Three day sponsorship

The gift will provide sponsorship of a new resident for one-week. Texas Reachout provides a structured, Christ-centered, drug and alcohol-free living environment that promotes spiritual growth and discipleship for Christian men and women recently released from prison. Food, clothing, and shelter are immediately provided for new residents. Residents then receive Christian mentors, participate in life skills and job readiness training, attend worship, and receive help...


Feed the Homeless

10 hot meals

This gift will provide ten hot, nutritious meals for homeless youth in Austin to be delivered by a Covenant volunteer putting Christ’s love into action. Covenant Presbyterian Church’s “Daily Bread” program has successfully reached many of these hurting youth by partnering with Lifeworks to provide a regular warm meal and the face of Christian love to homeless youth in the University area. LifeWorks’ services to...


Give a Bible

One bible for a family

Your gift will provide a Bible for a family in need in Zambia, helping them to live with a more Godly spirit. Your gift will be delivered to a Zambian family in need by the Alliance for Children Everywhere, who are working faithfully in Zambia to improving many aspects of life: providing meals for children in school, medical care for orphans, and scholarships for middle...
