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About Us

See Our Gifts

Since 1952, CHF International has worked in more than 100 countries worldwide. Currently we are operating about 90 programs in more than 30 countries. Each day, CHF International transforms promise into progress.


CHF International's mission is to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, helping them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.


CHF International is successful because it brings together the people, organizations and resources necessary to ensure steady, sustainable change. Our programs ensure that individuals, families and communities: participate in the decisions that impact their lives; learn to work together to solve their own problems; are provided with the tools and skills needed to escape from the bonds of poverty; form productive partnerships that will sustain the cycle of progress; and develop confidence in their ability to create a brighter, more prosperous future for themselves and their communities.


Selected highlights from CHF’s worldwide programs: providing job skills training to 21,000 internally displaced men and women in Colombia; improving access to water, electricity, and basic financial services for 25,000 households in over 100 slum communities in Gujarat, India; training refugees to produce, sell, and use 10,800 fuel-efficient stoves in Darfur, Sudan, benefiting approximately 21,200 families; empowering more than 2,300 women in Romania through microcredit loans to improve their homes and expand their businesses; conducting job-creation and infrastructure development programs in the West Bank and Gaza to generate 1.8 million person-days of employment.


Michael E. Doyle


Michael E. Doyle, President and CEO
Dr. Judith Hermanson, Senior Vice President

Don H. McCreary, Chair
Chris Sale, Vice Chair
Michael E. Doyle, President/CEO
Caroline E. Blakely, Esq., Secretary
Gordon E. Lindquist, Treasurer

Jane P. Madden
Amy Margerum
The Honorable Walter E. Stadtler
Ronald Stegall
Wallace P. Warfield, Ph.D.
David A. Weiss
Sunia Zaterman

Samuel E. Bunker


Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mexico, Mongolia, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen


8601 Georgia Ave, Suite 800
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (866) 7792-CHF
EIN: 52-0846183

A Gift Card

Basic Needs

Countries and Regions


Aid Georgia Refugee

Supplies for a family

CHF’s will address immediate needs especially in shelter while looking for ways to help the population restart their livelihoods as quickly as possible. The quality of response at the beginning of a displacement crisis is critical to the longer-term well being of the affected populations. CHF’s interventions will provide a foundation for affected families to recover from the crisis. Your gift will supply one family...


Darfur Stoves

Help Women in Darfur

Update: April 22, 2009 Due to recent political events in Sudan, CHF International is one of 13 international aid organizations in Darfur that has been asked by the Sudanese government to leave the Darfur region. CHF International regrets the decision of the Sudanese government and remains committed to working with the Sudanese government in order to continue to provide humanitarian assistance and development to the...


Feed A Family

One humanitarian kit

Your gift of a humanitarian kit will allow CHF to provide one family with the basic essentials they need to survive in the first 90 days of their displacement. CHF’s integrated humanitarian assistance program gives families the goods and services they so desperately need in these difficult times. The humanitarian kits contain dry food items, health and hygiene products, baby goods, and cooking utensils, among...


Fund A Business

One microcredit loan

CHF’s development finance institution in Afghanistan, established in March 2004, has made more than 3,200 loans to low-income men and women in the rural provinces, helping them establish or expand small businesses, such as tailoring, food services, and manufacturing. Your gift of $75 can help one woman buy a sewing machine, which will help her increase her household income by 70%. In addition, each loan...


Empower A Woman

Jobs for 3 refugees

The only hope some of them have for the long-term are programs that empower them to earn a sustainable living, instead of simply giving handouts. CHF’s range of programs lay the foundations for refugees—particularly women—to have the skills and tools they need to be safe and secure in their camps and in their incomes. Your simple gift can help 3 women join a livestock cooperative,...
