Recruit A Leader
One climate champion
Fluctuating energy prices, interruptions in supply, risk management considerations, proposed legislation and a potential cap on carbon emissions are factors that are forcing executives to begin examining carefully the relative risks and opportunities to their organizations. In the US, with the lack of clear federal policy, corporate commitments are voluntary, which means that many businesses remain unengaged on the issue. Savvy corporations are beginning to take global warming more seriously, but often can’t find help.
The Gift
Your gift will fund Clean Air-Cool Planet's ongoing efforts to provide environmental intelligence, expertise and networking to businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service sectors - helping them provide leadership in solving global by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. CA-CP partners with small and medium-sized businesses in order to implement solutions to climate change and build constituencies for effective climate policies and actions. You can help recruit new corporations interested in climate change solutions. To date our strategies have helped our partners reduce a million tons of greenhouse gases annually through emission inventories, efficiency and conservation, on-site power generation and commitments to new sources of clean power, like wind turbines, solar PV, landfill and farm methane projects.