Aid Communities
One climate intern
Decisions made at the local level have a huge impact on global warming. Yet many cities and towns have limited budgets and staff resources to dedicate to climate change planning and project implementation - work that would benefit everyone by cutting energy use and cost and reducing emissions of greenhouse gas pollution. Often, just getting a community help in taking the initial steps can propel them toward development of cost-effective and self-sustaining climate change programs.
The Gift
Give a cash-strapped community a person whose work could save millions in energy costs – and dramatically reduce the threat of global warming at the same time. Your $1500 gift allows Clean Air–Cool Planet to help place, supervise and support community interns to: create or update a community’s greenhouse gas inventory; create a local Climate Action Plan; develop pilot projects to reduce community global warming pollution, and/or reach out to local organizations. Across the country, interns have given communities the expertise and person-power to take meaningful action to reduce emissions. By aiding communities in performing energy audits and emissions inventories, formulating plans for action to reduce energy use, educating the public, and bringing various community groups into the plan, your gift of an intern can truly make the difference between dreams on paper and real results.