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About Us

See Our Gifts

The Center for Global Development (CGD) is an independent, non-profit policy research organization dedicated to reducing global poverty and inequality. CGD focuses on the policies of the U.S., other rich countries, and the global institutions that shape opportunities that poor people in developing countries have. With rigorous empirical research, CGD creates new ideas and fosters informed debate to promote practical, innovative policy alternatives to make the global economy work better for poor people.


CGD is dedicated to reducing global poverty and inequality through policy research and engagement with the policy community and the public. CGD develops policy alternatives that promote equitable growth and participatory development, and, in collaboration with civil society groups, advocates for the translation of policy ideas into policy reforms.


Policy Research: CGD studies pivotal issues of development policy.

Development Aid: Effective development assistance, debt relief and donor accountability practices, and develops policy alternatives and delivery innovations.

Global Health and Education: Impact of global health, HIV/AIDS, population and education on development, and innovative solutions to health and education financing.

Global Inclusion: Inequality and its impact on growth and stability; the challenges of global economic governance -- roles of the World Bank, the IMF, and other multilateral institutions.

Migration: Impact of large-scale migration presents to global development and poverty reduction, including "brain drain" and labor mobility.

Trade: Links between trade and poverty, agricultural subsidies, bilateral vs. multilateral trade negotiations, and intellectual property rights.

Strategic Communication: We use strategic communications tools including: policy briefs; events that draw current and former policy makers, academics, analysts and advocates; and a website that features CGD work.

Targeted Outreach: CGD reaches each of its key target audiences: U.S. executive and legislative branch officials and their counterparts in other rich nations; development scholars; media outlets; and the general public.


CGD has a strong track record of contributing to specific policy changes through careful analysis and focused communication of research results. In its first five years, CGD’s work has been instrumental in encouraging donors to organize an Advance Market Commitment to stimulate private investment in neglected disease research; in facilitating international action to reduce debt in Nigeria; and in influencing the policies and practices of US foreign assistance. CGD’s Commitment to Development Index is used in many capitals to assess national contributions to “development friendly" policy.


1776 Massachusetts Ave, NW

Third Floor

Washington, DC 20036

Phone: (202) 416-0700

EIN: 52-2351337

A Gift Card


Increase Attention

One development event

CGD organizes several major events annually to highlight the work of a key figure in international development. During 2006, for example, we hosted Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug for a talk about the prospects for a Green Revolution in Africa. We also hosted Jeff Sachs for a discussion about his Millenium Villages. This gift will help support a similar event in the coming year.


Inform Citizens

300 development briefs

Your gift of $100 will pay for the printing and distribution of 300 briefs, clearly written Rich World-Poor World articles on key development topics for distribution to the public and to grassroots civic organizations.


Deliver A Newsletter

One week's mailing

CGD'' weekly e-letter on development policy is received by more than 5,000 opt-in subscribers, including reporters, opinion leaders and policymakers. Sign up for free on the CGD homepage. $100 pays for the final editorial review and the delivery of one week's issue to 10,000 opt-in recipients.


Brief Capitol Hill

2 hour briefing

CGD experts communicate information that is relevant for policy decisions. Drawing on rigorous research that looks carefully at the ways in which trade, aid, debt and migration policies affect poor people and communities, CGD researchers and communications staff are able to convey to members of Congress and to their staffs ideas for policy changes and improvements which increase the chance that developing countries will succeed...
