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About Us

See Our Gifts

It is feasible to end widespread hunger in our lifetime. Yet millions of people in the United States and around the world are hungry. We can do better.

Bread for the World Institute is the research and educational partner of Bread for the World. The Institute works to change the politics of hunger through education, research and a strategic analysis of public policies that affect hungry people.


Bread for the World Institute seeks justice for hungry people through research and education on hunger and development.


Bread for the World Institute publishes an annual report on the state of world hunger. The Hunger Report informs our work monitoring the U.S. anti-hunger programs, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and the effectiveness of U.S. foreign aid.

Building on the research and analysis of the Hunger Report, the Institute’s 2007 agenda will include a policy symposium on hunger and poverty in U.S. rural communities. Additionally, we will host workshops exploring the impact of federal programs being debated as a part of the 2007 farm bill reauthorization that effect hungry people.

We believe that a well educated and motivated U.S. constituency who care for hungry people will ultimately change the politics of hunger. We help U.S. citizens tell the story of hungry people in their own communities and see the connections we all have to hungry people around the world. A small investment in linking people in these communities, empowered with information and a clear sense of the policy choices facing U.S. decision-makers, will result in real progress toward ending hunger.


Bread for the World Institute’s educational outreach extends to tens of thousands of individuals and congregations, hundreds of other organizations in this country and internationally, and millions of people through press and internet outreach.


United States, Sudan


50 F Street NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC 20001

Phone: (202) 639-9400

EIN: 51-0175510

A Gift Card

Basic Needs

Empower Latinos

Hunger outreach

Support for this initiative would help support our Latino organizer; provide underwriting for Spanish language resources; and undergird meetings and educational events in Latino population centers across the United States so Latinos can more effectively address problems of hunger and poverty.


Empower Activists

Scholarship for a leader

A contribution would provide support for a young adult, single parent, hunger activist with insufficient resources, church pastor, or emerging leader to participate in an event that has been truly lifechanging for many who have attended. The end result is someone more energized and equipped to be an advocate on behalf of those who are hungry and poor.


Sponsor A Report

Hunger research

Your gift allows an individual to participate in the consultations that lead up to the writing of the Hunger Report and be listed as a sponsor. More importantly, it provides insightful, informed and fair analysis of issues critical to hungry and poor people around the world.
