Destigmatize HIV
Sesame Street SoAfrica
In a country where HIV/AIDS affects a large portion of the population, Takalani Sesame, the South African version of Sesame Street, features a preschool HIV/AIDS curriculum, including the first HIV-positive Muppet, Kami. Through Kami, Takalani Sesame promotes open discussion about issues around HIV/AIDS such as coping with illness, loss and stigmatization.
The Gift
Your donation will help support Takalani Sesame, the South African version of Sesame Street Takalanai Sesame uses television, radio and community outreach to respond to the HIV/AIDS crisis in South Africa as well as prepare children for school. Sesame Workshop, the organization behind Sesame Street, collaborates with local producers, child development experts, educators, and child psychologists to develop the educational curriculum in response to local needs.