Campus Activists
Pro-choice advocacy
Your contribution to Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom (SYRF) supports the activism of religious, pro-choice youth on college campuses as they advocate for reproductive rights and access to reproductive options. Our SYRF program mobilizes these young leaders and sustains their efforts to share their religious, pro-choice values with their peers and bring other young people into the movement. Your gift will provide a semester’s support for a pro-choice student activist on a college campus.
The Gift
Your support for our youth organizing program, Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom (SYRF), will expand our network of young pro-choice activists on college campuses across the country. Through our SYRF program, we identify emerging young pro-choice leaders and support their efforts to protect their own reproductive rights and access to reproductive health services, while also preparing the future leaders who will carry on the fight for our reproductive rights. Your gift will provide a semester’s support for a pro-choice student activist on a college campus.