Train One Person
Human rights workshop
Knowledge about human rights as an important guide to achieving economies and social justice is vague and not known by ordinary people. Human rights are usually understood as a litany of violations and not as a powerful strategy for the realization of hopes and expectation.
The Gift
Your gift will provide a 2-3 day human rights training session for one person. Every person must become a mentor and a monitor of human rights as a way to achieve economic and social justice, peace and human security. Human rights are a powerful tool to sustain actions for the community to have food, education, housing, health and work at livable wages. This can be achieved in dignity other then through charity. Knowledge of human rights is a way for each person to develop critical thinking and analysis, regardless of “cultural obstacles," as relevant to their lives. When individuals acquire this knowledge, it contributes to the process of socialization in the community, enabling them to participate in decisions that shape the community.