House A Veteran
2 hours of advocacy
Once veterans have overcome the causes of homelessness and have re-entered employment, they need affordable housing. Some will need supportive services and rental assistance to remain in those homes. Lack of affordable housing is a problem in virtually every community in the nation.
The Gift
This gift will provide 2 hours of NCHV staff work with developers and funders of affordable housing for veterans with mental and physical disabilities, and low income veterans who have completed their transitional programs. Creating housing opportunities for these veterans is a new frontier in the homeless veteran assistance community. Indeed, it is the success of the nation's transitional housing assistance programs that has focused national attention on this issue. Many veterans who complete transitional programs cannot afford housing at market rates. Working with innovative developers, financial institutions, service providers, the Corporation for Supportive Housing, and government officials, NCHV is engaged in partnerships exploring the incentives and rewards of creating affordable and supportive housing stock in several market areas. At the same time, many NCHV organizations are addressing this need through program initiatives that include creation of supportive and low income housing units.