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2 hours of research
According to federal studies, one-fourth of the nation's homeless population -- and one of every three homeless men -- are veterans. VA programs reach about 25% of those veterans; community-based service providers attempt to serve the rest. NCHV researches not only the reasons for this dilemma, but also for ways to more effectively treat and prevent veteran homelessness.
The Gift
This gift will provide 2 hours of research to identify the needs of homeless veterans and innovative approaches to addressing them. This is the foundation of NCHV's education and service network building initiatives. NCHV has helped fuel the development of innovative approaches to helping homeless veterans stand tall again. Learning about new programs that work, and sharing that information with service providers across the country has doubled America's capacity to serve these deserving men and women in the last decade. The current military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have dramatically changed the service provider landscape, however, as signifcant increases in the number of women and disabled veterans seeking assistance have been reported.