Empower an Artists
1 CD for Online Sale
PeaceTones assists artists in impoverished communities by helping them to record music and place this online for-sale. Profits go in part to fund a community goal and part to benefit the artists. Contracts for the revenues and the rights of the music need to be written and the artists need to be educated on their intellectual property rights. A pro-bono online network of lawyers called the Legal Empowerment Network has been set up to mediate these contracts.
The Gift
Your gift will allow 1 CD to be created by artist or group. PeaceTones provides a volunteer who organizes the artists, compiles the tracks and oversees the mastering and online placement. 90% of the profits from CD sales go directly to the artists and a community goal they selected. In the past some of these goals include building a school or community center or their own recording studio. By selling their recorded music online they can generate revenue to strengthen their communities.