Prevent Conflict
South East Asia
The rise of minority politics and separatist conflict in South East Asia has created a destructive environment for political actors and civilians alike. Grassroots terrorist organizations and radical Islamist parties have thrived in countries plagued by internal divisions such as Indonesia and the Philippines. Crisis Group combats the threat of religious, ethnic, and political decentralization in the region in order to create stable democracies capable of protecting their large populations.
The Gift
Your donation to Crisis Group’s team, based in Indonesia, will support the preparation and dissemination of reports containing high-quality analysis and policy recommendations for the countries covered by the South East Asia Project: Indonesia, East Timor, Thailand, and the Philippines. In Indonesia, your donation will facilitate research into the development of regional autonomy, communal violence, separatist struggles in Aceh and Papua, and the role of radical Islam with a particular focus on Jemaah Islamiyah. Your gift will also support the project’s monitoring and reporting on the conflicts in the Philippines and Thailand. A donation to Crisis Group’s South East Asia Project is a valuable way to promote an end to separatist conflict and destructive minority politics in the region.