Prevent Conflict
Central Asia
Corruption, competition for resources, religious and ethnic tensions, and political repression have all contributed to instability in Central Asia since the breakup of the Soviet Union. This volatile region is characterized by severe economic problems, grave human rights violations, and a poor quality of life for most of its people. Crisis Group’s Central Asia Project, based in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, focuses on these and other security challenges facing the region.
The Gift
Your donation will support Crisis Group’s team working on the ground, covering the five Central Asian states: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Your gift will provide Crisis Group’s expert analysts with the resources they need to carry out detailed field-based research within these states and societies. Your gift will allow Crisis Group to address the region’s most serious problems such as drug and arms smuggling, human trafficking, border and resource disputes, corruption, religious and ethnic extremism, heavy-handed repression of opponents by governing parties, and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small elite. Your donation will be an effective way to promote Crisis Group’s important work in promoting the emersion of functional democracies in Central Asian states. For more information on this project please go to www.crisisgroup.org.