Prevent Conflict
South Asia
For decades, South Asia has experienced high levels of political instability, religious conflict, and cycles of violence. Religious extremism and insurgent groups continue to gather clout, adding to chronic problems of corruption, drugs, military rule, and declining education and health standards. Crisis Group’s South Asia project examines ways for the international community to stabilize the region as well as to identify emerging problems and tensions.
The Gift
Your donation will support the work of Crisis Group’s team in South Asia, operating in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. In Afghanistan, your gift will enable the monitoring of volatile security and stability conditions as well as aspects of the country’s political transition. In Pakistan, it will support Crisis Group’s work to promote stability in the country and to continue monitoring the situation in Kashmir as well as factors that foster extremism throughout the region. Your donation will furthermore support Crisis Group’s analysis on the conflict in Nepal as it navigates the difficult transition away from royal rule. With your gift, you will provide essential resources to Crisis Group’s efforts to help bring these countries out of violent conflict and to enable their fledgling democracies to take hold. For more information about this project please go to www.crisisgroup.org.