Stop Teen Violence
Full Teen Scholarship
1 in 4 girls will be the victim of sexual or physical assault before the age of 18. The teen years are a time of growth and exploration and with that comes exposure to new dangers and situations, including rape and assault. Verbal boundary setting, in addition to physical self-defense training enables girls to avoid or handle dangerous situations. Research shows that teens with self-defense training are more likely to use resistance strategies and can successfully stop an attack 75% of the time.
The Gift
Your gift of a Teen "Kick Like a Girl" full scholarship is the gift of safety for a young woman who will go into the world more confident, more courageous and without fear holding her back from achieving her dreams. With the practical Impact self-defense techniques she learns in her 10-hr training class with a padded mock assailant, she will learn that she is worth fighting for, she will not be seen as an easy target by potential perpetrators and she will stand up for herself and others when their boundaries are violated. You will truly be giving the gift of lifelong empowerment to a teen girl. Here's a thank you from a recent teen scholarship recipient: "A part of me blossomed during the course of this class. I feel like a strong young woman, ready to take on the world both emotionally and physically. Every girl should take the Impact "Kick Like a Girl" class. It was a life changing experience." - Katie, 15-year-old graduate