One Child - $1
One Million Children
Church leaders around the world are consistently listing children’s ministry as one of their top priorities. They desperately want quality materials for their young people but unfortunately there is a lack of culturally relevant, age-appropriate Bible lessons for children. The sad truth is ministry to children has traditionally been seen as less important than with adults. Like in Jesus' day, although children are loved by their parents, they still hold little status. We need your help.
The Gift
This $1 gift will provide a complete year of culturally relevant, age-appropriate Bible lessons to a child in the poorest and most hopeless regions of the world. A seven-year-old boy like Tomelo in South Africa or nine-year-old girl like Angela in Albania could receive the Good News of Jesus Christ in weekly Bible lessons for an entire year for only $1. . . and that’s anywhere in the world! We are asking people to give $1 each to help one child enter and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus. We want to help One Million Children, around the world, know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Just the idea of One Million Children made our hearts leap. Does it do the same thing for you? The One Million Children Campaign is based on this simple equation: $1 = One Child You simply decide if and how many children you want to help. 1 child = $1 | 100 children = $100 | 500 children = $500 Who knows which of these children will be the world changers as they grow in the Lord? Please help us help them today.