Advocate for Health
One hour of advocacy
As a whole, the U.S. allocates billions of dollars to foreign assistance. Unfortunately, only a small fraction of this goes to addressing the health of the world’s poor. Think of it as a birthday cake – seemingly sufficient in its entirety, but when divided in too many pieces, each part is but a collection of crumbs. Thus, there is a large gap between what is needed and what is given.
The Gift
The Global Health Council, for many years, creates a bridge between Congress and global health programs to make sure that our legislators know what is needed to improve the lives of the world’s poor. The Global Health Council, working with its members, serves as a strong voice for civil society in Washington. The overall goal of the Council's advocacy efforts is to improve the health of those living in the developing world by improving the effectiveness of programs and increasing overall funding for these programs. Your donation will purchase an hour of an advocate's time to promote support for increased funding for global health. In sponsoring an advocate, your gift’s impact will expand exponentially because it will result in millions of dollars for global health.