Raise Awareness
Biosafety posters
Modern biotechnology is a promising technology for a wide range of purposes with private and public benefits. However, Africa is not benefiting because of lack of awareness and the required support to access them. Disease resistant maize varieties developed through biotechnology could benefit poor farmers who can not afford pesticides. But policy makers are hesitant to provide it to farmers for fear of side-effects. Most African countries do not have biosafety systems.
The Gift
Your donation will be used to assist farmers in getting access to biotechnology products developed by researchers. It will support an initiative by scientists, farmers and policy makers to develop biosafety systems in Africa. African governments will then be guided on which biotechnology tools and products will work under what circumstances to increase farmer’s productivity. The gift visualizes the efforts scientists and researchers are making to create harmonized regulatory systems for biosafety and biotechnology at sub-regional / regional levels, and facilitate the establishment of a common understanding of both benefits and risks of biotechnology on human beings.