Enroll A Student
One year of university
Even though the gross enrollment ratio in higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa has increased from 1% in 1965 to 5% in 2005, the region remains to have by far the lowest tertiary enrollment rates in the world, compared to 66% in high income countries, 49% in Europe and Central Asia, and 22% in Middle East and North Africa. (Data from the World Bank)
The Gift
Your donation will enable a child from a poor African family to enroll in university and take courses in sustainable agriculture or other development-related fields to obtain the necessary knowledge to battle poverty and achieve economic growth in Africa. Your donation will not only aid an African child with his/her personal development by fulfilling his/her desire to learn, but also equip him/her with the knowledge and technique to make an impact in Africa’s growth and development, especially in Africa’s devastating situation where qualified scientists and extension workers are highly in demand.