Reach Policymakers
One prochoice briefing
The Catholic hierarchy works to influence public policy in the US in the areas of reproductive health and rights. Catholic legislators, policy makers and candidates are subject to attempts by a few Catholic bishops and their conservative Catholic allies to form their positions in accordance with church teachings. These legislators need to hear from and about the majority of Catholics who support a woman’s right to choose.
The Gift
Your $1,000 gift will underwrite a briefing for state-level prochoice Catholic legislators. Catholics for a Free will make its public policy staff available to legislators in selected states to help them articulate and defend prochoice positions. We will meet with state legislators and advocacy organizations to assess their needs for information and support, strategize how to meet those needs and acquaint them with the resources available from CFFC. We know that these lawmakers feel isolated, especially where they are in the minority, and appreciate assistance in framing an effective response to the disingenuous, fact-free arguments of antichoice advocates. Catholics for a Free Choice is a nonpartisan organization. We neither support nor oppose candidates. Our activities are consistent with the laws governing the activities of tax-exempt organizations.