Give a Cow
Share of a cow
Because the majority of Afghan women are illiterate and unskilled, simple donations do not fully address their needs. That’s why Beyond the 11th specifically funds programs that offer Afghan widows a means for continual income generation. Livestock development is an ideal way for poor widows to generate income. Milk products usually command competitive prices at the market. In addition, by-products like manure can be sold or used for kitchen gardens, and calves can be sold for profit.
The Gift
This gift will provide a widow a real chance to survive. The average income for a widow-headed household in Afghanistan is only $16/month - compared to $48/month for a men. Owning a cow that produces milk will not only give her family an income, on average $120/month, it gives them nutrition. In addition, the income will make it possible for her to send her children to school. The cruel reality is that often times children are sent out to beg just to survive.