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Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Your gift of ten urgent appeal letters will break the silence on one or more abuses of human rights

Make An Appeal

10 urgent letters

  • $15.00


Every day the rights of millions of people in Asia are abused. Ordinary people are tortured by police, abducted by soldiers, killed by paramilitaries. Others are illegally evicted from their houses, assaulted for protesting, and refused permission to form unions or publish articles. Human rights defenders are sued, jailed and worse. Government officials rape and steal, escaping the law. None of these abuses can be stopped unless the silence around them is broken.

The Gift

Your gift of ten urgent appeal letters will break the silence on one or more abuses of human rights in Asia. You will pay for the cost of sending the letters by fax and mail to government officials, international rights monitors and others around the world. These appeal letters have a track record of effecting change, and you can be confident that your letters too will make a difference. They are much more than some words on some pages. They may get someone released from police detention, cause a government office to launch an inquiry against another, or provoke a request to visit from a United Nations expert. Above all, they will let the victims of abuse know that their cries are being heard, and that you can hear them also. Your gift of ten urgent appeal letters will be sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission.