Provide Access
One loan
To build wealth and increase family income, many low-income individuals turn to self-employment as an alternative to welfare or subsistence salaries. There are approximately 20 million microentrepreneurs in the U.S., but less than two percent are currently receiving credit or business assistance. As a leader in the domestic microfinance field, ACCION is dedicated to providing microentrepreneurs and individuals on the economic margin the crucial chance to borrow capital at fair rates of interest.
The Gift
This gift will help ACCION USA provide critically needed small loans to people who have good business sense, integrity, and a strong desire to succeed. They are individuals who are denied access to traditional forms of business credit because of language barriers, lack of business records, poor credit history, or a loan request that’s too small for most banks. Often, ACCION USA is their only hope. With your help, ACCION USA can create new opportunities for individuals, families and entire communities.