About Us
See Our GiftsOverview
The World Institute on Disability (WID), an internationally recognized public policy center organized by and for people with disabilities, operates several projects to increase employment, asset building, financial literacy, and access to healthcare for people with disabilities. Since its founding in 1983, WID has focused on bridging the gap between legislators and policy makers, grassroots organizers, researchers and analysts, government agencies and other service providers to create practical and effective long-term systems change.
The World Institute on Disability advances the human and civil rights of people with disabilities through research, training, advocacy and public education. WID emphasizes social and economic equity so that people with disabilities can enjoy increased opportunities to live independently as fully contributing members of society.
The California Work Incentives Initiative develops policy recommendations to increase the viability of employment for people with disabilities. Its website, DisabilityBenefits101.org, helps people with disabilities best manage the transition from benefits to work. Proyecto Visión is a fully bilingual initiative that promotes education, training and employment for American Latinos with disabilities by connecting American Latinos with disabilities to Latino organizations and employers, government agencies, and other service providers around the country. Access to Assets trains asset-building professionals on how to include people with disabilities. This project reduces poverty among people with disabilities by promoting financial literacy and encouraging participation in asset building initiatives other programs for low-income persons. The Curriculum on Abuse Prevention and Empowerment is creating a variety of outreach and education products to promote abuse awareness and prevention strategies for people with disabilities who use in-home health care and personal assistance services. WID’s research program on health access for patients with disabilities has produced a video and training package to help medical practitioners overcome physical and communication barriers that hinder effective treatment for their disabled patients. WID also produces DisabilityWorld.org, the premiere online source for international disability news.
The more than 49 million citizens with disabilities in the United States are twice as likely to be unemployed, and to live in poverty, than their non-disabled counterparts. WID multiplies the effectiveness of its efforts by training service providers, informing policymakers, using cost-effective web-based communications, and creating strategic alliances between disability groups and other organizations. Each of these methods creates replicable results that improve the lives of thousands of people with disabilities each year.
United States
510 Sixteenth Street, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 763-4100
EIN: 94-2911623