Help Vets Connect
Create an Empowered Community
Reconnecting to society is tough for many war veterans. Less than one percent of Americans went to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, so returning veterans can feel isolated. It can be difficult to readjust to civilian life, obtain a job, and find accurate and veteran-friendly information on health problems such as traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress disorder. Continuing war coverage by non-veteran pundits often leaves veterans feeling like their voice is ignored.
The Gift
Building on lessons from service in four wars, Veterans for America galvanizes new war veterans nationwide, creating an empowered community and space to share common experiences. We raise awareness about challenges facing returning veterans and promote common-sense solutions. Our website and community blogs provide an active atmosphere to share experiences among those who understand their challenges. Veterans For America’s website serves as a unique portal and resource to Government and private resources. Our daily news updates provide critical information specific to veterans’ needs, such as developments in healthcare and Veterans For America legislative initiatives.
Your gift of $43 will keep our veteran’s community blogs and news service up and running for one day. Please help provide the community tools that enable our returning war veterans to find a safe space to share their stories and make their voices heard.