About Us
See Our GiftsOverview
Services for Brain Injury (SBI), a non-profit organization, needs the ongoing support of the community to deliver its programs and services. In addition to delivering quality programs and services to our clients, we assist returning veterans with community reintegration. Our clients need our help, and we need your support.
Clients appreciate SBI because it is a place where they can work toward their full potential in a safe and stimulating environment with other people facing similar life experiences and challenges.
Services for Brain Injury offers a continuum of programs and services aimed at providing the best service options at all stages of post acute rehabilitation.
To assist adults and children to reach their highest level of independence through accessible services, family and caregiver support, community awareness and prevention of brain injuries.
SBI's origins in 1989 are with Santa Clara Valley Medical Center where healthcare providers recognized the need for community-based services to help discharged patients and their families successfully reintegrate into their home and professional lives. There is no other nonprofit provider in the Bay Area exclusive to brain injury below cost continuum of medically-related services to meet individual and family needs.
SBI offers therapies and much more--day programs; independent living skills; orientation and mobility; and vocational services. SBI's ongoing programs, described below, help people take giant steps toward getting back into the world!
Adult day programs include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical exercise,
computer-aided learning and cognitive retraining.
Independent living skills training, including activities of daily living, mobility, cooking, arts & crafts.
Vocational testing, training, development and placement.
Job coaching and job retention.
Case coordination and case management.
Personal and family counseling.
Aftercare support groups.
Testimonials of SBI Clients:
"I thought SBI would help, but I did not think it would do this. I feel I am beyond where I ever expected!"
- SBI Client and Veteran MK Employed by Federal Express
"If it weren't for SBI, I'd be back on drugs, SBI saved my life".
- SBI Client RN Employed by Safeway
"I spent seven years learning how the medical profession treats and support head injury victims and found SBI to be the best agency to deliver needed services."
- SBI Client Parent
Program Results:
Clients participating in the Personal, Vocational, Social Adjustment (PVSA) program last year had remarkable success with goal attainment. Each client selected an average of 22 goals. That is a lot to achieve in an average of four months, but clients rose to the challenge and met over 80% of the goals they set!
Last year 15 clients graduated PVSA with awesome results! Two returned to school (per their plan) and 13 entered SBI's Supported Employment Program. Eleven who entered the Supported Employment program are working today and seven have closed with a status 26--the State term for success! The 26's mean 80% of PVSA graduates are on their way to more independent lives.
Using an individual placement approach, a total of 19 clients were served through SBI's Supported Employment Program. 14 clients have returned to work - 10 of which have closed with a status 26! Four more were placed and are currently working toward successful closure.
SBI celebrates 20 years as a nonprofit this year. SBI recently relocated to a newer and larger facility enabling us to better serve our community and meet the needs of returning service men and women from Iraq and Afghanistan.
SBI will continue to grow and develop as a recognized leader in delivering community-based services. It operates in a model that can be replicated.
How SBI clients and their families benefit:
Relearning of skills lost due to injury or illness.
Reintegration aimed to reduce costly gaps in service from hospital to home to community.
Support, respite, and resources.
Return to work whenever possible.
Maintaining family unity.
Attaining maximum independence.
Improving quality of life for both clients and their families.
Maintaining employment of both the person with brain injury and/or family caregivers.
Reducing the incidence of new injuries in our community.
Providing education and awareness through collaboration and the Bay Area Brain Injury Taskforce (BABIT).
Christine Camara came to Services for Brain Injury 19 years ago to support the implementation of its accounting system. Prior to SBI, Christine was an Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager for Wells Fargo Bank.
Lynn Pinto
Member, DeAnza College Advisory Committee
Pilar Pablo
Vice Chair
Former HR Manager, Cisco
Lisa Parker-Kim
Apple Computer, Inc.
Lynne Ennis
HR/HD Specialist
Mark Bateman
Agilent Technologies
Michelle Fleury
Kelley Julien
Occupational Therapist (ret.) and Founding SBI Director
Judy Kram-Miller
Clinical Social Worker
Christi Lambert
Kaiser Permanente
Gabe McMahon
Martin McMahon Plumbing Inc.
Paul Niewiadomski
Stein & Lubin LLP
Robert Raffo
Hood & Strong LLP
William Rich
Wilandra Consulting LLC
Kathie Sheehy
Bill Wilson Center
Beverly Vais
Disability Advisor
United States
60 Daggett Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 434-2277
EIN: 77-0206619