About Us
See Our GiftsOverview
PEACE for Families is a private, non-profit, community-based organization providing comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Placer County. Since our grass roots beginning in 1978, we have never lost sight that every woman, man and child has the basic rights to live a violence-free life. PEACE is an acronym that stands for Placer Extends a Caring Environment for Families.
Our mission is to provide effective and accessible services to individuals and families in Placer County who experience sexual assault and/or family violence; and to be a proactive and visible source of related intervention, education and prevention services to the community.
Services include: 24-hour crisis line (1-800-575-5352), 24-hour emergency shelter for battered women and their children, in-person crisis intervention, hospital accompaniment, individual and group peer counseling, therapeutic counseling, and assistance in obtaining emergency food, clothing and transportation.
Other services include six month residential treatment for battered women, household establishment assistance, court and social service advocacy and accompaniment, assistance with temporary restraining orders and custody orders, counseling for significant others of individuals who have been assaulted, support groups, parenting classes, information and referral, and community education on the issues and prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Jenny is a 35-year-old mom who spent a total of 8 months at our safe house, where she met with a therapist every week to address her drug abuse, and issues related to domestic violence and child abuse. She was able to make the necessary connections to succeed in therapy.
Jenny actively participated in all the groups offered at the shelter, including the Domestic Violence Group; Mothers on a Journey Group (parenting class); Codependency; Body, Mind and Spirit; Life Skills; and Empowerment Group. She was also involved in the drug rehabilitation program which helped her conquer her addiction. She is presently fighting for custody of her children, and her prospects look good.
Jenny successfully graduated from the PEACE for Families shelter, and participated in our Housing Program. For one year, our housing clients receive rental assistance, continue to meet with their Case Manager, and attend weekly counseling and classes. It is during this year that many clients continue their education and/or seek vocational training, so that at the end of the year they are better able to secure a good job and support themselves and their children independently.
Jenny is currently working, has her apartment, and is able to take care of herself. After graduating from the Housing Program, Jenny will continue to receive assistance from PEACE for Families by participating in various programs. Shortly before leaving the shelter for her own apartment, Jenny described her experience at PEACE for Families as follows: "If it hadn't been for this program and all my classes and therapy, I'd probably be dead by now."
United States
PO BOX 5462
AUBURN, CA 95604-5462
Phone: (530) 885-0443
EIN: 94-2578871