Plant a Seed
Seeds to plant produce
The Greenhouse, once completed this spring, will allow the individuals in ACHIEVE's Day Habilitation program to get outdoors. Since there is a lack of physical labor indoors, the greenhouse will encourage physical labor and provide a meaningful activity for the individuals to take part in.
The Gift
Recent studies have proven that a “hands on” connection to nature in a green environment has numerous therapeutic benefits, including provision of relief from depression and anxiety as well as lessening the duration of physical infirmities. The responsibilities that come with maintaining a greenhouse will provide the individuals with an opportunity to learn important life skills as well as offer a sense of personal accomplishment as they watch their hard work grow and bear fruit. This gift will provide seeds for the individuals in ACHIEVE's Day Habilitation program to be able to plant produce, that once grown, will be donated back into the community for those in need through our local food pantries and C.H.O.W.