Comfort a Child
Train School Personnel
Grief is a highly emotional experience. At any age, people find that grief includes fear, anger, relief, despair, peace, guilt, numbness, agitation and sorrow. And when children lose loved ones, they experience a frightening sense of abandonment and a loss of security.
While grief is a normal and healthy response to loss, the special needs of grieving children are frequently neglected – and this can have dire consequences later in life.
The Gift
Your donation will provide comfort for a grieving child by arming school personnel with the tools to effectively address the student’s needs.
Research has confirmed teacher discomfort in discussing grief in the classroom. Most teachers need assistance in successfully dealing with a death in the life of a student, particularly a major loss. “Grief at School: A Manual for School Personnel" is an 83-page guide designed for administrators, teachers, psychologists, counselors, nurses, and social workers who encounter students of all ages affected by any type of loss, especially death in the family.
Your gift of comfort can ease the sadness in a child’s heart.